Thursday, June 5, 2014

Training for Spiritual Fitness

Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. This is true and everyone should accept it. 1 Timothy 4:8

This is it. This is why I started the page Refining Fitness. Not because I want to preach at people. Not because I think I'm better than anyone. For the reason Paul gives us above.

Physical fitness has value. And I do believe that taking care of these physical bodies God has given us is an act of stewardship. I believe we can and do glorify him in our bodies. It's one of the reasons I desire to stay fit. I don't want to give into gluttony and laziness. However, as I've said before, no matter how toned we are, true happiness and peace shines from within. That is because it can only come from a relationship with Christ, and a "relationship" with Christ, just as with anyone else, takes two. 

I once heard a manager I worked for say, "All I have to do is say, 'God forgive me before I die,' and I'm good," when he was talking about the way he lived his life. I didn't say anything, but I thought to myself, "I hope you get that chance." There are many people who have this mindset, and I somewhat understand their thought process. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that it is not by any work of our own hands that we are saved, but by grace alone - the grace of God our Father. Some people read this and take it to mean, I can live my life any way I want and as long as I believe in Christ, I will be saved. I won't dispute that. I will just offer my own experience from my personal walk with Christ.

When I truly understood what He had given up for me; when I grasped that He gave his life for me, endured immense suffering, was nailed to a cross, and then defeated death so that I may have eternal life, I changed. I mean, how can you not change with the magnitude of that realization and acceptance? I immediately wanted to live a life worthy of that love and sacrifice. Not because I think I have to earn it. I don't! It's done. I want to live a life worthy of Christ's love because it is the least I can do after what He did for me.

But, I'm not perfect - far, far from it actually, as I'm sure those of you who know me can attest. I get tired, and I choose sleep or television over reading my Bible. I get angry and say things I shouldn't say, do things I shouldn't do. I pass judgment on others. I pass judgment on myself and then wallow in my failures. I become discouraged and sad when things in this world go bump, and leave an awful tragic mess behind. I sometimes start to lose my grasp on that eternal hope he offers, and find it difficult to be thankful. This is why I need - why we all need - to practice our spiritual fitness even more so than our physical fitness.

The more time I spend in the scriptures, the more time I spend in prayer, the thirstier I get for the soul-quenching, life-giving water He offers. My days are filled with more peace and joy when I make time to delve into His word and spend precious time with Him in prayer. When I am singing praise to Him, be it in church or in the middle of my kitchen, there is a stirring in my heart and I can't keep from smiling. Sometimes, I even cry happy tears because I'm so overwhelmed by His love. Spending time with Him, studying the scriptures - using our time and energy to train ourselves for spiritual fitness - not only teaches us how to live in this world, it enables us to live joyfully in this world. 

So yes, while I don't recommend it, you can go through life completely oblivious to all of the blessings he is bestowing on you daily, and wait until the last possible minute to repent and ask for forgiveness, and you will still be welcomed home into the open arms of the Father; OR, you can take an active part in your relationship with Christ and experience the indescribable peace and joy that comes from that intimacy of that relationship. Similarly, you can choose to go through life not taking full advantage of this physical vessel He has given you, and doing your part to keep it healthy; OR you can choose to stay active, take care of yourself, and reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Refining Fitness is meant to be a community where we can encourage one another through our physical and spiritual fitness journeys. When I post reminders about taking the time to notice our blessings every day, and to spend time with the Lord, I am reminding myself as much as anyone else. When the Christian church first started, they met in homes or any place they could find and came together to support one another and share the Gospel. Community is so important. Having other like-minded people with whom to share our struggles, our joys, our cares and concerns is essential in sharing the love of Christ. 

Many of you know that I enjoy running. Running and working out in general is much more enjoyable when you have others doing it with you. So, regarding our physical and spiritual fitness, I leave you with one more thought: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
Us. Not I and me. We and us. As my childhood pastor, Bob Moon, used to say, "We're all in this together."
Have a beautiful day!

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